Education, Advocacy, Outreach, and 


Join Us Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 12th at East­ern State Hos­pi­tal for a fun filled morn­ing as we Stomp out Stigma!

We have a fun day planned for every­one attend­ing NAMI­Walks Lex­ing­ton.  We have 3 Con­tests: Best Dressed Pet (pets must be kept on leash at all times), Most Team Spir­it and Favorite T‑Shirt.  We have 30 ven­dor tables with com­mu­ni­ty part­ners and walk spon­sors for you to vis­it.  For those rais­ing $1,000 or more, stop by the VIP tent for exclu­sive treats and give­aways.  We accept vol­un­teers on Walk Day, just check in at the Vol­un­teer Tent for duty assign­ments. Thyme Cater­ing will be set up with free hot dogs, ham­burg­ers, pulled pork sand­wich­es, chips and water. Our Recov­ery Enthu­si­ast David Rig­gs­by will be run­ning the free cot­ton can­dy and pop corn cor­ner. LexBounce is pro­vid­ing bounce hous­es, inflat­able slides, and lots of games to play.  Our favorite pho­to booth, Beard­ed Broth­ers will be with us again this year to cap­ture a snap shot for you to remem­ber the day. 

Walk Day Agenda

  • 10:00 and 11:00 – stretch­ing /  Warm-up by Stronger­Life Gym
  • 10:00 to 12:30 Ven­dor Tables, Free Activ­i­ties, Free Food, Prizes for game play 
    • 30 com­mu­ni­ty part­ner ven­dor tables
    • Face­paint­ing
    • Spray tat­toos
    • Bal­loon Pets – mylar animals
    • Make your own Sand Art
    • Paint Sun­catch­ers
    • Craft activ­i­ty — fox
    • I Walk Because fill-in sheets
    • Pop Corn
    • Cot­ton Candy
    • DJ
    • Pho­to booth
    • Hope bus
    • Firetruck
    • Hot dogs
    • Ham­burg­ers
    • Car­i­ca­tures by ASK Consulting
    • Pet Zone by Camp Bow Wow
    • Bounce House
    • Giant Inflat­able Slide
    • Foot­ball throw inflat­able game
    • Bas­ket­ball inflat­able game
    • Var­i­ous Frame Yard games and activities
    • Bring your furred friends and enter the Best Dressed Pet Contest
    • The Fam – youth hip hop team will be per­form­ing as a group and danc­ing to their favorite songs from the DJ
  • 11:30am Walk Pro­gram Begins – wel­come, word from spon­sors — pre­sent­ing spon­sor New Vista, speak­ers – Dr. Katie Marks, Com­mis­sion­er of the Ken­tucky Depart­ment for Behav­ioral Health, Devel­op­men­tal, and Intel­lec­tu­al Dis­abil­i­ties, pre­sen­ta­tion of col­ors, musi­cal per­for­mances by Charlette’s Web and Sis­ter Sound
  • 12 noon Step Off
  • Ends when the last per­son cross­es back through the fin­ish line


Thank you to New Vista, Pre­sent­ing Spon­sor for NAMI­Walks Lex­ing­ton 2024! 

We are excit­ed to have Toy­ota join us again this year! 

Each year we reflect on our pre­vi­ous year and look toward the future.  Our local theme is “Men­tal Health for the Com­mon­wealth, Men­tal Health for All”.  Please join us at East­ern State Hos­pi­tal on Octo­ber 12 for a won­der­ful fun filled event. 

Our Com­mu­ni­ty has many things to cel­e­brate this year and many oth­er goals to work on!

  • As East­ern State Hos­pi­tal cel­e­brates their 200th birth­day, they con­tin­ue to inno­vate behav­ioral health­care with the open­ing of their EmPATH pro­gram which helps indi­vid­u­als access the help that they need in the least restric­tive manner.
  • New Vista is one of a very few Com­mu­ni­ty Men­tal Health Cen­ters to become a SAMHSA Com­pre­hen­sive Com­mu­ni­ty Men­tal Health Cen­ter where clients can receive holis­tic care for both their phys­i­cal and psy­chi­atric wellbeing.
  • NAMI Lex­ing­ton cel­e­brates part­ner­ing with Toy­ota Motor Man­u­fac­tur­ing once again as this major com­mu­ni­ty employ­er joins with us to pro­mote Men­tal Health in the Com­mon­wealth! Men­tal Health for All!

Our annu­al walk is crit­i­cal to assure we con­tin­ue to be able to devel­op state of the art, inno­v­a­tive pro­grams such as NAMI Sig­na­ture Pro­grams, Par­tic­i­pa­tion Sta­tion, Fayette Men­tal Health Court, and oth­er crit­i­cal gap pro­gram­ming that doesn’t have an obvi­ous pay­or source.

Click Here for a complete one pager of all NAMI Lexington programs that links to more specific information. Printable Download (PDF)


Schiz­o­phre­nia Alliance Group — Every Sat­ur­day, at 3:00pm at Par­tic­i­pa­tion Sta­tion. 
This group is a nation­al­ly rec­og­nized 6‑step pro­gram for indi­vid­u­als deal­ing with Schiz­o­phre­nia, Psy­chosis, Schizoaf­fec­tive D/O, and relat­ed dis­or­ders. If you can not join us in per­son please join is via zoom with the link found at 
The group will typ­i­cal­ly run 60–90 min­utes and fol­low the guid­ance of the “Blue Book” which was devel­oped by Joanne Ver­ban­ic, the founder of Schiz­o­phre­nia Anony­mous. 
Cer­tifi­cat­ed Facil­i­ta­tor Kevin Hag­ger­ty, APSS


As the nation’s largest mental health advocacy organization, your membership with NAMI adds power to our mission to improve the lives of people affected by mental illness. Membership dues help NAMI provide free programs and support groups, advocate at all levels of government for access to treatment and services, fight stigma through information and awareness and provide hope to hundreds of thousands of people and families affected by mental health conditions.

Click Here to Become a NAMI Lexington Member

Click Here to Donate to NAMI Lexington


NAMI HelpLine volunteers and staff have compiled this directory of outstanding resources to help you identify possible options to meet your needs. The resources included in the NAMI National Resource Directory are not endorsed by NAMI, and NAMI is not responsible for the content of or service provided by any of these resources. Throughout this directory you will find NAMI Knowledge Articles that provide detailed resources, support options, and information.

Click Here to Download Full Resource Directory (PDF)


For more information on NAMI’s free programs and affordable mental health training,
please call 859–272‑7891.

Expand­ed Mis­sion State­ment
NAMI Lex­ing­ton is a 501c3 non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that pro­vides assis­tance to Fam­i­lies, Care­givers and Indi­vid­u­als whose life expe­ri­ence includes liv­ing with a seri­ous and per­sis­tent men­tal ill­ness. NAMI Lex­ing­ton direct­ly serves cen­tral Ken­tucky and part­ners to serve com­mu­ni­ties across the Com­mon­wealth of Ken­tucky. We offer free advo­cacy, edu­ca­tion, out­reach and sup­port pro­grams and spe­cial events designed to raise com­mu­nity aware­ness and reduce stig­ma around men­tal health issues. Our guests encounter pas­sion­ate “lived expe­ri­ence” wis­dom in a wel­com­ing environment.

Its Not All in Your Head




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