Thou shall register and vote; you must be in the game to play!
Thou shall know the players; your own legislators, the committee chairs, legislative leadership, LRC staff and the Executive Branch Secretaries, Commissioners and staff.
Thou shall know your issue well and relate that issue to your legislators in light of other emerging and pressing concerns.
Thou shall make available accurate, specific information to your legislators and other constituents in a timely fashion!
Thou shall be creative in building coalitions and partnerships around shared interests.
Thou shall educate and involve others in our cause, working to “put a face” on the issue.
Thou shall be willing to compromise.
Thou shall stay in touch with your legislators all the time — not just during the session.
Thou shall be a reliable and trusted source of information.
Thou shall never give up…there’s always the next session!
MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENT: Thou shall treat the legislator or policy-maker as you would want to be treated!
KY Mental Health Coalition — 120 Sears Avenue, Suite 212 — Louisville, KY 40207 502–894-0222 Email: advocacyaction@bellsouth.net Website: www.advocacyaction.net