Double Trouble in Recovery

Dou­ble Trou­ble in Recov­ery (DTR) is an inde­pen­dent Twelve Step fel­low­ship of indi­vid­u­als who share their expe­ri­ence, strength and hope with each oth­er so that they may solve their com­mon prob­lems and help oth­ers to recov­er from their par­tic­u­lar addiction(s) and man­age their men­tal disorder(s).

Information can be found at

We who have addic­tions and men­tal dis­or­ders are com­pelled to walk a long and nar­row path. When we go out of con­trol with our sub­stances of choice, we become lost.

DTR is designed to meet the needs of the dual­ly diag­nosed, and is clear­ly for those hav­ing addic­tive sub­stance prob­lems as well as hav­ing been diag­nosed with a psy­chi­atric disorders.

DTR fol­lows a Twelve Step approach to recov­ery. Work­ing the DTR Twelve Steps and reg­u­lar atten­dance at DTR and oth­er appro­pri­ate self-help groups will help us gain the rewards of san­i­ty, seren­i­ty and free­dom from addic­tions. There are no dues or fees for DTR mem­ber­ship; they are self-sup­port­ing through contributions.

Dou­ble Trou­ble invites you to join us and con­tin­ue or begin your men­tal, phys­i­cal and spir­i­tu­al recovery.


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