Henry’s Story

by Julie

Music and art are my life along with my fam­i­ly. I also enjoy video games, spend­ing time with my dogs, and watch­ing stand-up com­e­dy.  Some of my favorite foods include steak, salmon, sushi, and burgers. 

At around age 11 or 12, I began to expe­ri­ence absolute ter­ror. Every­day life was accom­pa­nied by night­mares and severe lows. Also can’t for­get those ‘love­ly’ flashbacks. 

I nev­er straight up sought out help because I grew up in a house­hold where seek­ing help was­n’t exact­ly easy out of fear of judg­ment. When I final­ly did see a doc­tor, I was giv­en mul­ti­ple diag­noses includ­ing bipo­lar 1, bor­der­line per­son­al­i­ty, anti­so­cial per­son­al­i­ty, and PTSD. I did­n’t want to accept any of this, because I was always taught to “man up” and “get over it.” Hav­ing these diag­noses was like liv­ing in a con­stant state of fear of ‘what’s next?’ or ‘Is my past going to hap­pen again?’  I was always scared and timid. Often I was unable to breathe or func­tion. To deal with all this, I turned to drugs, which ruined a lot of my rela­tion­ships and my fam­i­ly’s trust in me. Thank­ful­ly I was sent to jail and got clean. It saved my life.

I need­ed help, and I knew that I need­ed help. I was scared. But at the same time, I was tired of suf­fer­ing. So I accept­ed the help that was offered to me by Fayette Men­tal Health Court. I start­ed to actu­al­ly pay atten­tion in the 12-step meet­ings, start­ed up open­ing up to my doc­tors and peers. I was always self-med­icat­ing, but I was sick of that. So I became “hon­est, open-mind­ed, and will­ing” to be bet­ter. I became will­ing to actu­al­ly try.

Some of the cop­ing skills I have are mak­ing and lis­ten­ing to music, play­ing video games, work­ing out, and med­i­tat­ing. I can’t for­get spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly and dogs. DTR also helps a lot.

I’m work­ing to get my GED. I’m a self-employed, small busi­ness own­er. As of writ­ing this, I’m 15 months clean and have made amends to the peo­ple I’ve wronged. What’s next for me is to move on help­ing peo­ple real­ize recov­ery is pos­si­ble. If I can do it they can too.


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