Kentucky House Bill 65: Advocacy

by Julie

Ken­tucky House Bill 65 is before the Health and Wel­fare Com­mit­tee on Thurs­day, Feb­ru­ary 12th. This bill has the dis­tinc­tion of being reviewed and draft­ed by a com­mit­tee of indi­vid­u­als which includ­ed fam­i­ly mem­bers and men­tal health con­sumers. NAMI Lex­ing­ton has been advo­cat­ed along­side oth­er statewide and com­mu­ni­ty part­ners to expand the treat­ment OPTIONS for peo­ple with severe men­tal ill­ness.  This bill is one of the major pieces of that advo­ca­cy.  Please feel free to review the bill, it’s sum­ma­ry, and talk­ing points about it here:–9e31-aecb8a7bfc19.pdf–47fd-ba32-741b0f56c17c.pdf


If you find your­self sup­port­ing this effort, we’d appre­ci­ate if you would:


Tell them WHY you like this bill. Tell them to vote in favor of it. Tell them why it’s necessary.

Please also con­sid­er shar­ing your sup­port of this bill by Chang­ing your pro­file pic­tures on social media (Face­book, Twit­ter, Insta­gram, Pin­ter­est, etc) to this image:



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