2024 NAMIWalks Lexington Registration is Open

Click Here to Start Your Team Today!

NAMIWalks Lexington

Event Date:  Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 12, 2024

Event Time:  10:00 am — 1:00 pm

Loca­tion:  East­ern State Hos­pi­tal
1350 Bull Lea, Lex­ing­ton, KY 40508

Con­tact NAMI­Walks Man­ag­er John Bowe

Phone:  859–312-8675

Email:  NAMIWalks@NAMILEX.org

Click Here to become a Sponsor


Walk­er and Team Cap­tain Resources

Vir­tu­al Fundraising

How to raise $100 in 7 days

Fundraise for NAMI­Walks on Facebook

Dou­ble Your Donations

Your Sphere of Influ­ence Infographic

Nation­al Fundrais­ing Recog­ni­tion Program

Vir­tu­al Fundrais­ing Ideas

Share Your Sto­ry-Video Prompts

NAMI­Walks Social Media Tips

Signs of Hope

Ral­ly­ing Call


Presenting Sponsor

Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsor


Bronze Sponsor



Supporter Sponsor


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