What is it Wednesday (#WIIW): NAMI BASICS

by Julie


NAMI Basics is a Sig­na­ture pro­gram offered by NAMI Lex­ing­ton to edu­cate and sup­port par­ents of chil­dren and ado­les­cents who have emo­tion­al and/or behav­ioral prob­lems such as ADHD, Major Depres­sive Dis­or­der, Bipo­lar Dis­or­der, Schiz­o­phre­nia, Oppo­si­tional Defi­ant Dis­or­der, Anx­i­ety Dis­or­ders, and Obses­sive Com­pul­sive Dis­or­der. The course teach­es cop­ing skills, man­age­ment skills, communication/listening skills, prob­lem-solv­ing skills, and more.  The role of school, men­tal health, and legal sys­tems in treat­ing chil­dren with dis­abil­i­ties is reviewed.  Class and mate­ri­als are free!

 Our inau­gur­al NAMI BASICS Class grad­u­at­ed in April 2015, and are pic­tured here: BASICS 2015 Spring Graduation

Facil­i­ta­tors were Melin­da Wirkus and Jolin­da Todd. Thanks ladies for your hard work and effort! The group faced two snow/ice storm delays but were able to remain com­mit­ted to the whole six weeks!

We hope this suc­cess­ful class is the begin­ning of more BASICS class­es to come.  We are begin­ning a wait-list for the next course so please refer inter­est­ed folks to either this e‑mail or phone the NAMI Lex­ing­ton office at 859–272-7891.


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