What is it Wednesday (#WIIW): Support Group

by Julie



Sup­port groups are gen­er­al­ly defined as groups with com­mon expe­ri­ences or con­cerns who pro­vide each oth­er with encour­age­ment, com­fort and advice based on lived experience.

Who bet­ter to under­stand what you’re going through than some­one who has “been there” in some way? The lived expe­ri­ence of oth­ers fac­ing a men­tal ill­ness or who are car­ing for some­one with a severe men­tal ill­ness are irreplicable.

Just lis­ten­ing in a group to the strug­gles oth­ers are hav­ing can be heal­ing for you.  Look­ing out­side your­self , exam­in­ing your own prob­lems, and lis­ten­ing are key com­po­nents of sup­port group participation.

Attend­ing groups has been shown to improve mood, improve out­look for the future, and to improve insight.

At NAMI Lex­ing­ton, we offer sup­port groups for fam­i­ly mem­bers and care­givers of those with men­tal ill­ness, for indi­vid­u­als liv­ing with men­tal ill­ness, indi­vid­u­als deal­ing with emo­tion­al dif­fi­cul­ty, and for those who have co-occur­ring men­tal ill­ness and sub­stance abuse issues.  Not all of our sup­port groups are in Lex­ing­ton, either.

Con­sid­er join­ing the Sup­port Group of your choice offered by NAMI Lex­ing­ton. Dates, times and loca­tions are avail­able here.

Support Group Stock imageIf you are inter­est­ed in start­ing a gen­er­al sup­port group, NAMI Con­nec­tions, or NAMI Fam­i­ly Sup­port Group in your area, please con­tact our office. Two trained facil­i­ta­tors and a meet­ing place are all you need for a group to form, and we can help.


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