WHAT IS IT WEDNESDAY — The Kentucky Consumer Conference
The consumer conference is a gathering of individuals with mental illness, Kentucky Peer Specialists, consumer-operated service center personnel, and recovery-oriented professionals from across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. One of the purposes of the conference is to connect individuals with mental illness to others in the state who are experiencing similar things. Peer-to-peer relationships and friendships have formed across the commonwealth as a result of this event, and the conference does a LOT to prevent isolation and worsening of severe, persistent mental illness. The conference also continues to show that recovery is possible, and there is HOPE beyond a mental health crisis.
This year’s event is Friday May 22nd and registration is due before May 15th (or until maximum capacity is reached). The event has been held at the Clarion Hotel in Lexington for many years now, and that is the site again this year. Overnight accommodations for the conference can be arranged with registration at a reduced rate. Friday’s lunch is included.
Over 300 attendees can be expected. There are a number of workshops offered annually including ones on self-care, new medications, new therapies, how to connect with others, and fun things like art projects, drumming, meditation, and Laughter Yoga.
In 2014, the conference established separate workshop tracks for Kentucky Peer Specialists, for Consumer-Operated Service Centers, and (new for 2015) providers. Members of the state community at large and these various professionals are all going to be mixing and promoting the concepts of recovery, hope, and connection.
For the past three years, Kentucky STARS and Bluegrass.org have sponsored the conference. Kentucky STARS is a NAMI Lexington program dedicated to technical support and assistance for recovery-based programming across the commonwealth. The connections and relationships made by Kentucky STARS help guide some of the workshop offerings for peer specialists, providers, and peer-operated centers as they are generally in touch with what is needed in those areas. Bluegrass.org personnel help with the logistics, the cost, and workshop planning in addition to all the conference-day volunteers from their dedicated staff.
To register for this year’s conference, see the brochure here: http://kystars.org/conference.html
To nominate a Kentucky Peer Specialist for the Peer Excellence Awards, please go here: http://kystars.org/peer-excellence-awards.html