#WIIW: “Signature Programs”

by Julie

Sig­na­ture Pro­grams con­tain infor­ma­tion and process­es vet­ted by experts from around the coun­try and even the globe.  The Nation­al Alliance on Men­tal Ill­ness main head­quar­ters spear­head­ed or refined these pro­grams so they have up-to-date and qual­i­ty infor­ma­tion request­ed uni­ver­sal­ly by the tar­get­ed audi­ence (fam­i­ly mem­bers, con­sumers, etc).  These pro­grams give the same infor­ma­tion and fol­low the same for­mat nationwide.

Our lead­ers and vol­un­teers in Lex­ing­ton sup­ple­ment the nation­al mate­r­i­al with up-to-date local resources and infor­ma­tion as it is request­ed or nat­ur­al.  We get these pro­grams from the nation­al team, and we make them rel­e­vant to you while main­tain­ing the nation­al fideli­ty. Because we want this infor­ma­tion to be avail­able to any­one who needs them, these class­es are FREE.

Sig­na­ture pro­grams offered in Lex­ing­ton as of 3/10/15 are Fam­i­ly-to-Fam­i­ly (3 x a year), NAMI BASICS, In Our Own Voice, Con­nec­tions Sup­port Group, Hearts and Minds, and NAMI Fam­i­ly Sup­port Group. Please check them out and join us for one or more!



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